About Me

I've taken all photos unless it's noted otherwise. I generally do my best to capture all acts at each show I attend, but sometimes for whatever reason I miss some. In which case, I apologise und enjoy your imagination. Enquiries, proudermummy@hotmail.com

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

19/01/2013. Bed Wettin' Bad Boys tour to promote the 'Ready For Boredom' LP, the Primitive Room, Brisbane.

Greg Boring @ The Primitive, 19/01/2013. photo 841066_10151340840828673_428415164_o.jpg
Greg Boring

Red Red Krovvy @ The Primitive, 19/01/2013. photo 842995_10151340840928673_1194990954_o.jpg
Red Red Krovvy

Cobwebbs @ The Primitive, 19/01/2013. photo 820788_10151340840758673_199975994_o.jpg

Not pictured - Bed Wettin' Bad Boys.