About Me

I've taken all photos unless it's noted otherwise. I generally do my best to capture all acts at each show I attend, but sometimes for whatever reason I miss some. In which case, I apologise und enjoy your imagination. Enquiries, proudermummy@hotmail.com

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

18/05/2013. Gunk head early evening halfway house baitin' Waiting Room show, Brisbane.

Statler & Waldorf @ The Waiting Room, 18/05/2013.Taken by Hei Ack. photo 981709_10151526968358673_1837071401_o.jpg
Statler & Waldorf
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)

Slagroom @ The Waiting Room, 18/05/2013. Taken by Alex Campbell. photo 980681_10151526968423673_9686410_o.jpg
(taken by Alex Campbell)

Gunk @ The Waiting Room, 18/05/2013.Taken by Hei Ack. photo 976979_10151526968683673_1178389350_o.jpg
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)

11/05/2013. Trainspotters #27 at the Grand Central Hotel, Brisbane.

The Real Eyes @ Trainspotters, 11/05/2013. photo 967322_10151526967958673_1153488670_o.jpg
The Real Eyes

Johnny and the Fembots @ Trainspotters, 11/05/2013. photo 468627_10151526967983673_754836274_o.jpg
Johnny and the Fembots

Tiger Beams @ Trainspotters @ Trainspotters, 11/05/2013. photo 288923_10151526968233673_1105956467_o.jpg
Tiger Beams

Not Pictured
Fred Wood.

09/05/2013. Mattin weighs in on Luke Fowler's 2006 documentary on Cornelius Cardew. IMA, Brisbane.

Mattin @ IMA, 09/05/2013. photo 339736_10151526967333673_1221184180_o.jpg
Mattin (EU)

08/05/2013. Snippet of minor uni event 'Capillaries & Arteries'. Kelvin Grove QUT, Brisbane.

Two Flat Whites for Bob? @ Kelvin Grove Uni, 08/05/2013. photo 919343_10151526967898673_495026330_o.jpg
Two Flat Whites For Bob?

Johnny and the Fembots @ Kelvin Grove Uni, 08/05/2013. photo 966722_10151526967498673_1636493564_o.jpg
Johnny and the Fembots

05/05/2013. Sunday Rock and Roll BBQ allow Parents who bred to physically prove they're in the running. 399, Brisbane.

Jockrot @ 633 Anne St., 05/05/2013. photo 472822_10151506677663673_2110795847_o.jpg

Gravel Samwidge @ 633 Anne St., 05/05/2013. photo 922573_10151506677643673_1127896209_o.jpg
Gravel Samwidge

Raygun Mortlock @ 633 Anne St., 05/05/2013. photo 919186_10151506677633673_552572827_o.jpg
Raygun Mortlock

Puke @ 633 Anne St., 05/05/2013. photo 466203_10151506677573673_467688808_o.jpg

Cursed Earth @ 633 Anne St., 05/05/2013. photo 466389_10151506677583673_1638317626_o.jpg
Cursed Earth

05/05/2013. Time away from Total Attack black shirt gala, Melbourne's Deep Heat perform a free instore at Tym's Guitars, Brisbane.

Deep Heat @ Tym's Guitars. 05/05/2013. photo 468198_10151506677783673_2007650546_o.jpg

02/05/2013. Rule Of Thirds and Occults each launch their own seven,seven,seven inch black discs from within a cloud of fake smoke, much to the ire of smoke alarm peace and quiet. Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane.

Screaming Match @ Black Bear Lodge, 02/05/2013.Taken by Heidi Cutlack. photo 472731_10151506678803673_1498803316_o.jpg
Screaming Match
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)

The Keep On Dancin's @ Black Bear Lodge, 02/05/2013.Taken by Heidi Cutlack. photo 465822_10151506678768673_1045223079_o.jpg
The Keep On Dancin's
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)

Rule Of Thirds @ Black Bear Lodge, 02/05/2013.Taken by Heidi Cutlack. photo 472627_10151506677828673_1812875610_o.jpg
Rule Of Thirds
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)

Occults @ Black Bear Lodge, 02/05/2013.Taken by Heidi Cutlack. photo 474612_10151506677803673_993552034_o.jpg
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)

30/04/2013. No Caucasian Guilt-Retreat #2 at the Tribal Theatre, Brisbane.

Bush Burger @ Tribal Theatre, 30/04/2013. photo 468125_10151506678993673_180331641_o.jpg
Bush Burger

Golden Solution @ Tribal Theatre, 30/04/2013. photo 466445_10151506678928673_886532518_o.jpg
Golden Solution

Wonderfuls @ Tribal Theatre, 30/04/2013. photo 920104_10151506678798673_148625995_o.jpg

28/04/2013. Sub Pop guitar effort King Tuff trumped by local class of '13. Primitive Room, Brisbane.

Thigh Master @ The Primitive, 28/04/2013. photo 468309_10151506679828673_1750978136_o.jpg
Thigh Master

Screaming Match @ The Primitive, 28/04/2013. photo 922447_10151506679728673_713729542_o.jpg
Screaming Match

Cannon @ The Primitive, 28/04/2013.Taken by Elliot D'Arcy. photo 468318_10151506679583673_1965712538_o.jpg
(taken by Elliot D'Arcy)

King Tuff @ The Primitive, 28/04/2013. photo 922377_10151506679348673_243039283_o.jpg
King Tuff (US)

20/04/2013. The Living Eyes travel from Geelong to launch their big, yellow, Anti-Fade LP at Fat Louies, Brisbane.

Sewers @ Fat Louies,  20/04/2013. photo 478938_10151481679368673_522960570_o.jpg

Not Pictured
Tiny Migrants, Cobwebbs, The Living Eyes.

20/04/2013. Rockinghorse Records celebrate 'Record Store Day' with an instore in the downstair section. Not a copy of ATDI ROC 12'' RSD EXC. left on the shelf. Brisbane.

Slagroom @ Rocking Horse Records, 20/04/2013. photo 478117_10151481678363673_1042791845_o.jpg

Brainbeau @ Rocking Horse Records, 20/04/2013. photo 913748_10151481678758673_599496937_o.jpg

The Living Eyes @ Rocking Horse Records, 20/04/2013. photo 920859_10151481678983673_800261668_o.jpg
The Living Eyes

Per Purpose @ Rocking Horse Records, 20/04/2013.Taken by Phoebe Paradise. photo 920884_10151481679248673_180769546_o.jpg
Per Purpose
(taken by Phoebe Sheehy)

19/04/2013. Eucalyptic Echoes #4 at the Brunswick Hotel, Brisbane.

Ultra Material @ The Brunswick, 19/04/2013. photo 921514_10151481677923673_605200247_o.jpg
Ultra Material

Heavy Toll @ The Brunswick, 19/04/2013. photo 903068_10151481677838673_1094855724_o.jpg
Heavy Toll

Nite Fields @ The Brunswick, 19/04/2013.Taken by Heidi Cutlack. photo 922306_10151481678398673_538394731_o.jpg
Nite Fields
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)

Not Pictured
Gaza Strips.

14/04/2013. Death Legs debut at a house with a pool in Woollongabba suburbia. Brisbane.

Death Legs @ Woollongabba Houseshow, 14/04/2013. photo 477031_10151481677128673_645587225_o.jpg
Death Legs

Thigh Master @ Woollongabba Houseshow, 14/04/2013.Taken by Elliot D'Arcy. photo 906835_10151481677153673_517079448_o.jpg
Thigh Master
(taken by Elliot D'Arcy)

The Barbiturates @ Woollongabba Houseshow, 14/04/2013. photo 904018_10151481677568673_884808923_o.jpgBarbiturates

12/04/2013. Sydney's Songs reappear from grey hiatus to launch the Malabar LP. The Primitive, Brisbane.

Scraps @ The Primitive, 12/04/2013. photo 904510_10151481676353673_2080108637_o.jpg

Blank Realm @ The Primitive, 12/04/2013. photo 478523_10151481676308673_1291041339_o.jpg
Blank Realm

Songs @ The Primitive, 12/04/2013. photo 479103_10151481676888673_1702431015_o.jpg

11/04/2013. Locals hold coloured candy heart pour on Beetle Bar, Brisbane.

Scrabble @ The Beetle Bar, 11/04/2013. photo 478320_10151481675558673_2143964584_o.jpg

Shooga @ The Beetle Bar, 11/04/2013. photo 921610_10151481675598673_342867153_o.jpg

Extrafoxx @ The Beetle Bar, 11/04/2013. photo 904421_10151481676078673_1268239909_o.jpg