About Me

I've taken all photos unless it's noted otherwise. I generally do my best to capture all acts at each show I attend, but sometimes for whatever reason I miss some. In which case, I apologise und enjoy your imagination. Enquiries, proudermummy@hotmail.com

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

18/05/2013. Gunk head early evening halfway house baitin' Waiting Room show, Brisbane.

Statler & Waldorf @ The Waiting Room, 18/05/2013.Taken by Hei Ack. photo 981709_10151526968358673_1837071401_o.jpg
Statler & Waldorf
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)

Slagroom @ The Waiting Room, 18/05/2013. Taken by Alex Campbell. photo 980681_10151526968423673_9686410_o.jpg
(taken by Alex Campbell)

Gunk @ The Waiting Room, 18/05/2013.Taken by Hei Ack. photo 976979_10151526968683673_1178389350_o.jpg
(taken by Heidi Cutlack)