About Me

I've taken all photos unless it's noted otherwise. I generally do my best to capture all acts at each show I attend, but sometimes for whatever reason I miss some. In which case, I apologise und enjoy your imagination. Enquiries, proudermummy@hotmail.com

Monday, 1 July 2013

23/06/2013. Ten Dollar Audio Pollen Night at 199 Upstairs, Brisbane.

Scrabble @ Audiopollen, 23/06/2013. photo 1048367_10151604701208673_588059396_o.jpg

Mutanteer @ Audiopollen, 23/06/2013. photo 1065150_10151604700913673_1333836457_o.jpg

Jade Boyd @ Audiopollen, 23/06/2013. photo 981344_10151604701523673_917237161_o.jpg
Jade Boyd

Dracopede @ Audiopollen, 23/06/2013. photo 1048610_10151604701373673_1987145368_o.jpg

The Perfect Lovers @ Audiopollen, 23/06/2013. photo 1053136_10151604701718673_1185970480_o.jpg
The Perfect Lovers

Not Pictured
Bad Intentions, Secret Killer of Names.