About Me

I've taken all photos unless it's noted otherwise. I generally do my best to capture all acts at each show I attend, but sometimes for whatever reason I miss some. In which case, I apologise und enjoy your imagination. Enquiries, proudermummy@hotmail.com

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

05/07/2013. Paul Kidney Experience paint Brisbane every colour they can, with support from most of Brisbane's best circa july 2013 at the Chardon's Corner Hotel.

Wonderful @ Chardons Corner Hotel, 05/07/2013. photo 892741_10151629250468673_1868253406_o.jpg

Barbiturates @ Chardons Corner Hotel, 05/07/2013.</b></p><p><b>Taken by Bek Moore. photo 470919_10151629250733673_619984229_o.jpg
(taken by Bek Moore)

Screaming Match @ Chardons Corner Hotel, 05/07/2013. photo 1071400_10151629250483673_2027287848_o.jpg
Screaming Match

Gravel Samwidge @ Chardons Corner Hotel, 05/07/2013. photo 977487_10151629251693673_468604995_o.jpg
Gravel Samwidge

Gerald Keaney and the Gerald Keaneys @ Chardons Corner Hotel, 05/07/2013. photo 1074567_10151629252493673_1583270762_o.jpg
Gerald Keaney and the Gerald Keaneys

The Paul Kidney Experience @ Chardons Corner Hotel, 05/07/2013. photo 1073911_10151629255233673_656535822_o.jpg
The Paul Kidney Experience