About Me

I've taken all photos unless it's noted otherwise. I generally do my best to capture all acts at each show I attend, but sometimes for whatever reason I miss some. In which case, I apologise und enjoy your imagination. Enquiries, proudermummy@hotmail.com

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

06/07/2013. 4zzzFM's first successive Happyfest sequel, Happyfest 2013 split across two stages through and afternoon, up a set of stairs and into the evening. Winn Lane and the Zoo, Brisbane.

Footy @ Winn Lane, 06/07/2013. photo 1071434_10151629257318673_179530157_o.jpg

Barbiturates @ The Zoo, 06/07/2013.</b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b>Taken by Anna Carluccio. photo 1072151_10151629256873673_437796553_o.jpg
(taken by Anna Carluccio)

Happy Times @ The Zoo, 06/07/2013. photo 1065064_10151629259613673_667332642_o.jpg
Happy Times

Raw Prawn @ The Zoo, 06/07/2013. photo 1074051_10151629259678673_986007742_o.jpg
Raw Prawn

Forces @ The Zoo, 06/07/2013. photo 1008212_10151629259673673_35579980_o.jpg

Samedi Sound System @ The Zoo, 06/07/2013. photo 892747_10151629260403673_1749492946_o.jpg
Samedi Sound System

Multiple Man @ The Zoo, 06/07/2013. photo 1026044_10151629260603673_1137633533_o.jpg
Multiple Man

Not Pictured
X in O, Green Nose and Mysteries.