About Me

I've taken all photos unless it's noted otherwise. I generally do my best to capture all acts at each show I attend, but sometimes for whatever reason I miss some. In which case, I apologise und enjoy your imagination. Enquiries, proudermummy@hotmail.com

Friday, 6 December 2013

27/10/2013. Summer Flake above Beetle Bar issue full length CD release, destiny's JB HI FI distro existo. Count 'em three in the C B D, Brisbane.

Cured Pink @ The Beetle Bar, 27/10/2013.<br>Taken by Samuel Miers. photo 1414943_10151869469773673_1437894461_o.jpg
Cured Pink
(taken by Samuel Miers)

Thigh Master @ The Beetle Bar, 27/10/2013.<br>Taken by Michaela-Sophie Chin. photo 1421195_10151869470333673_1319370054_o.jpg
Thigh Master
(taken by Michaela-Sophie Chin)

Screaming Match @ The Beetle Bar, 27/10/2013. photo 1399135_10151869470483673_784448768_o.jpg
Screaming Match

Cannon @ The Beetle Bar, 27/10/2013.<br>Taken by Matthew Joseph Ford. photo 1400325_10151869470658673_752429820_o.jpg

(taken by Matt Ford)

Summer Flake @ The Beetle Bar, 27/10/2013.<br>Taken by Matthew Joseph Ford. photo 860945_10151869470653673_1847413516_o.jpg
Summer Flake

(taken by Matt Ford)